Jeevan Version 2.0 – 2 Year Vision
Saturday, 31 August 2024
Taking his Copywriting Freelancing from 0 to 10 Lakhs in only 2 years’ time period, Jeevan is considered to be one of the best Copywriters in India. With that experience under his belt, Jeevan was instrumental in launching one of the best Influencer Marketing Platform for Indian Youth, which generated more than 1 Lakh Rupees
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How can I always stay focused and motivated towards my goals?
Thursday, 09 January 2020
Some days ago, I received this question on Quora: How can I always stay focused and motivated towards my goals? Hmmm… I thought… Interesting! “This guy already has figured out the two most important keys to achieve any goal.” Because, not everyone realizes that to accomplish any task in life, you only need these to
- Published in Leadership, Lifestyle
What is living up to your fullest potential?
Monday, 07 January 2019
It’s just having some hard conversations with people who matter to you most. It’s doing what your true self feels important to do. It’s going out of your comfort & taking on your fears. It means letting go of your mediocre conflict avoiding growth resisting mentality & fully embracing your dreams & your thoughts. It
- Published in Leadership, Lifestyle
Two things to always Live with
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Two things to always live with: Always, always, always look inside yourself for answers! Always, always, always go for the kill! What you see when you look around? Blamer’s game! Most people are blaming outside factors for their failures and inconveniences. And does it get them anywhere? Hell no! The thing is: you create your
- Published in Leadership, Lifestyle
The secret to Productivity – Manage your drains
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
We were in a meeting at a company manufacturing thermal equipment. And the owner was explaining to his employee, how the thermal tube works. He said, “we want to control the wastage of heat. What we do is find the drains and cover them up to lock the heat and pressure inside. That’s the key
- Published in Lifestyle
Develop your Passion
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Some time ago, I got the idea that passion is something you develop over the years of work, focus and determined work! Tim Ferris echoed the same idea, Gary Vee says the same, Steven Pressfield, Cal Newport and other great authors agree on the same idea! I think there are a lot of variables at
- Published in Lifestyle
The Confusion, Solution and Growth
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
When you are confused, it’s a blessing because in confusion a concept is being broken in your mind and a new concept is being formed. This is a sign of progress. – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Why do you think Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that? Confusion! I am afraid of confusion like everybody else.
- Published in Lifestyle
Do the Work! Be Able!
Tuesday, 09 January 2018
You will receive what you want when you will make yourself able to handle that thing! You have to show the universe that you are able, that you can handle, that you have made yourself into that person. Fail Immediately! This is how you grow. And that is why the people who take the long
- Published in Leadership, Lifestyle
Skill is All We Need
Monday, 18 September 2017
We all get stuck at one point or another in our life. No matter what we do, we just can’t figure out a way. We see other people who do the work easily which we are stuck at. “What the hell these people have which I don’t?”, we think to ourselves. Gradually, we become frustrated
- Published in Leadership, Lifestyle