Some time ago, I got the idea that passion is something you develop over the years of work, focus and determined work! Tim Ferris echoed the same idea, Gary Vee says the same, Steven Pressfield, Cal Newport and other great authors agree on the same idea!
I think there are a lot of variables at work here.
Luck, as most people would like to think, plays a role. But not to the extent others think.
Your emotions, play a big role! In three ways:
- Because you feel excited with the work.
- Or you are just doing to get rid of some negative emotion.
- Or maybe, you are keeping at it, cause you’ll get something, for the returns.
Taking a first look at it and saying, “Holy Shit! That’s what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.” It really happens very few times, with very few people. And still, there is something behind that moment of enlightenment.
Maybe repressed emotions of childhood or continuous exposure to that thing or some vague inspiration, there’s always some reason.
Still what most people do, is they discard those things they do not enjoy immediately. I’m sure Stephen Hawking would have dreaded studies in his childhood. But his inability to move his body forced him to expand his mind. Similarly, lot of bodybuilders say, they used to be bullied by other stronger kids in their childhood and that’s what inspired them to build a powerful physique.
I don’t want to get paralyzed or be bullied by someone to develop my passion. And I’m sure you don’t want that for yourself.
Passion or the love towards your work, develop over time. It doesn’t strike you in a lightening moment. But it’s important that you enjoy putting in the work.
I mean we have examples of our parents. They have been doing the same work for decades, but they definitely do not enjoy that. And don’t excel in that.
Why is that?
Because yes. It’s important that you enjoy putting in your work. If you do not enjoy it while you are doing it and thinking only about the rewards it will give you it, then go change your line of work. It’s obvious that it doesn’t match you. And no, you’re not going to develop passion towards that work even if you stick at it for years.
So, it’s important to find something you enjoy doing. And I mean “doing”.
It’s not going to make your entire life enjoyable. Most of the time you are going to dread your life. You will feel like you need to give up and do something better. Most of the time, you will find your passion, when your life is tearing apart, when there is a chaos all around. And this is why most people give up early and fail to develop passion.
Or reversely, some people are afraid to give up the calm, serene phase of their life. Maybe they are making comfortable money or maybe they are just lazy. So when “the opportunity knocks on the door”, they fail to grab it. Because they think, they don’t need it (being lazy) or they get shitty scared and don’t “wing the bat”.
Either are the way to failure! So, what do you need to develop passion?
- Get up and do the work.
- Stick at it if you enjoy “doing” it. Even if you are getting the signals that your life is falling down and everybody is telling you to change, keep doing the work.
- But if you do not enjoy, please look for something else!