When you are confused, it’s a blessing because in confusion a concept is being broken in your mind and a new concept is being formed. This is a sign of progress.
– Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Why do you think Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that?
I am afraid of confusion like everybody else. I like to plan things out as accurately as I can and then modifying it as needed. But I very much need a framework before I go and start doing something. Guess this is how most people are. That’s why there is a saying “if you don’t know where you are going you will never reach anywhere.”
But the point is some people can adapt their plans and change the parts of plan as necessary, some people are just not that great at adapting. As I am. I get very angry and forceful if something doesn’t happen as I wish it to happen. If there comes an obstacle in my way of planning and it doesn’t seem to work quite as I would want it, I get really fed up. I get angry, I get anxious, I get crazy. I just can’t control the feeling of knowing that I am not in control of all of my life situations. It just makes me wants to die.
I get lonely in these types of situations. I cover all of my sorrows and worries and try to hide them from all of the world. I go get in the form of tortoise. Hiding from the world is the only choice I think I have.
But that’s not completely true, I have realized. It’s just a part of the equation. It’s not the full complete antidote.
But when I get alone and lonely and try to hide in my solitude I get to see the other side of the problem. Sometimes the all wisdom of the world gets inside my head and I just happen to find the other side of the problem.
Or sometimes I just happen to find a solution for the problem. They say to let go of all the worries. But I say we have to give a fuck about our own worries. If not me then who the hell is going to think about them?
Being courageous or having grit doesn’t mean that you take no tension and never worry about anything. It means that you worry enough about your problems and you give a ton of fucks about them and you completely absorb yourself in the thoughts that you can’t help but find the answers to those problems.
It’s a natural way accept it. Life is not going to be the happy-go-lucky ride all the time. It’s not going to be the joyful and flowery ride all the way. There are going to be storms, cyclones, avalanches, tsunamis and fucking earthquakes all the way along all the time. You have to face these difficulties if you are aiming for any kind of growth.
Yes, it won’t be in your way if you are happy to be where you are at the life. If you don’t wish anything and are just fulfilled to be where you are you will not be able to see these difficulties. For you will be blind to the most important truth of life in this world which is to always grow and get to the next level of your living. If you are not aiming for the next level, you will still have problems, much bigger problems but you will not be able to see them. I’m not talking for such people.
I’m talking for those who have aims and dreams and missions in their lives. Who are willing to grow, who cannot remain stagnant in life. Guys you gonna get problems and difficulties on your way. You are gonna tremble and will feel sometimes to just give up on everything and disappear. These are what is called tombstone days. But do not, I beg you do not disappear or hide from these days and difficulties. Face them, face them as you would like. If you are bold and have courage face it with courage. If you are feared or disturbed by these, get disturbed. Do not hide just do not hide. Face it, as you can. Get engrossed by it. I promise you that you will find a road out of it. But if you run away and pretend like there is no fault in your life you are not gonna find it.
Instead give a fuck, worry a lot. For if you do not think about your own problems and worry and ponder on them, no one else will do it for you and you will get stuck with that problem for all of your life. It will be in the background but it will be there. If you do not want it there just face it and get in on it fully and then you will find how to get out of it.