We all get stuck at one point or another in our life. No matter what we do, we just can’t figure out a way. We see other people who do the work easily which we are stuck at. “What the hell these people have which I don’t?”, we think to ourselves. Gradually, we become frustrated and just leave the work undone, giving lots of excuses!
It’s Okay!
Okay, it’s not the end of the world! Every human being goes through these types of situations. Hell, maybe I spent my childhood and teenage doing the exact same thing and running away from problems. My first sport – soccer, computer classes and studies and keeping fit, eating healthy, etc! I read so much about these things, but couldn’t figure out how to master them. So, I started making excuses and never really accomplished anything.
Up until the time, I read David DeAngelo’s “Double Your Dating”, He has a full page in that book, which gave me solution. Well, not at that instant, but there I found a way which led me to mastering things. Here’s in his own words:
“It all comes down to your skills.
Having a problem? You need new skill.
If you have some area of your life that isn’t working for you, you probably need a new SKILL!
I realized a few years ago that most people look at themselves and say things like, “There must be something WRONG WITH ME. I don’t know why, I just can’t do it.”
But, in fact, the problem wasn’t something ‘wrong’ with them; the problem was that they needed to learn a new skill or a set of skills.
Meeting women comes down to skills. If you are having a problem in your particular area, get new skills to deal with it. For instance, if you have learned to meet women and get phone numbers, you might start having them flake out on you and not show up for planned meetings. Solution: A new skill! You need to earn the skill of getting women to meet you, after making plans.
Remember, if you are having a challenge, you need a skill.”
Okay now, How do I apply this?
That’s it! That is it all there is to overcome your problem or challenge and master any work. When you’re faced a problem, sit down silently with a pen and book. Think about that, turn a problem into challenge mentally. Then figure out a skill or set of skills you need to overcome that challenge and get the work done. Once you have those skills written down, start exploring them. Search on google how to learn them; learn them, master them and get the fvcking work done! Period!!!
Okay! But how do you exactly do this? Identifying a problem, then identifying a skill to overcome it and them learning it! The first step is pretty easy. If you get stuck, you do have a problem!
Now, let’s talk about the second step, i. e., identifying the skill. First, you will have to break down the whole picture of problems to tiny little pieces.
Every work or challenge requires some personality traits especially. You can break everything in five to seven areas and then work on it.
- Map out those five to seven areas and determine specifically what they are.
- Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 in each of those areas. You’ll find you’re fantastic in some areas, decent in others and pretty horrible in a few (hopefully just a few).
- Find which area you are the worst at and focus all of your efforts on getting good at that.
And for that you’ll need a skill or set of skills.
Let’s take example of health and fitness. There may be following areas which I’ve discovered (you may add some):
- Diet and nutrition (calories, micros, macros, etc.)
- Training and exercising (weight training, cardio, etc.)
- Recovery (resting days between training, sleep)
- Tracking your goal (weighing yourself, measuring your body parts, etc.)
- Adjusting accordingly your diet (macros)
When you’ll handle all these areas, you’re guaranteed to see the results.