“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.”
– Henry Ford
I heard his quote and well it sparked a chain of thoughts in my mind. Right there, Mr. Ford has told us the secret of getting ahead. It’s bright and clear!
“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.”
People who get ahead don’t do anything extraordinary than you and me. We also work and they also work. The difference is these guys are constantly working even when we are not.
You take weekends, vacations, recess, mid-breaks, chilling time, partying time, relaxing time. And eventually end up wasting most of your time.
But the guys Henry Ford is referring to in this quote, these guys don’t waste their time like you and me.
They are working even when you and me are on vacations.
They are working even in mid-breaks.
They are working even when others are chilling and partying.
They work on their projects, they work on their skills, they work on themselves.
They are constantly at work!
And that is why these guys get ahead. That is how Henry Ford got ahead.
So you can’t blame them for their success nor can you give any excuse as of extraordinary work ethic or extreme intelligence.
You wanna blame someone, blame yourself. Blame yourself for wasting time on vacations and partying. Blame yourself for not taking working and not taking action when you were supposed to.
But most of the people won’t do that because it’s so much hard to believe that you are the reason behind your failure. Rather it’s so much easy for them to think that there is some magic fairy dust or special ability that all these successful guys have, which they don’t. Maybe they didn’t have the opportunity like those guys, maybe they are not social, maybe they are not in right environment. It’s so easy to put the responsibility on all other things rather than yourself.
But don’t be like them. Take the responsibility yourself, that way, when next time you’ll catch yourself wasting time, remember this quote, from the great man who was ahead of even time itself
“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.”